Category Archives: Fremont

Just Sold in Fremont for $750,000…

For this townhome that I sold in Fremont for $750,000, I was the agent for the seller, who was referred to me by our family friend. This was an interesting time to be selling, to say the least. We initially started communication in November, when the market was slow, nothing happening, homes sitting on the market, interest rates shockingly high to buyers after such low rates, buyers that were looking wanting a bargain, etc.

The seller told me her target price and I was not convinced in the least that I could make that happen. So, I asked her if she could wait out the market, see how things go, and I would let her know when the market started to pick up and when I felt I could hit the price she wanted to get for her home. She was not in a hurry to sell.

And, that is what we did! I watched the market, waited to see what would happen after the first of the year. January picked up a bit, and then in February, the market was really starting to change and become more of a seller’s market. And, once I thought I could hit that price, we connected and got the home prepped for sale and on the market!

The timing was great! We received 4 offers after the open house weekend. We had a great offer with a buyer that WAIVED all contingencies and was super strong. And, we were able to acheive getting the price she wanted for the home! Yay!

The transaction itself with the buyer was great! It was super smooth. The main issue was the HOA. The HOA dragged their feet big time on multiple occasions and nickeled and dimed the seller. It was horrible. At the end of the transaction, I was mainly thankful to not have to deal with the HOA anymore.

One thing I do want to bring up about this sale that may help others in the same situation, is that this home had a fire in the past. And, one thing that did come up for the buyer was securing insurance. The buyer was able to get insurance and in the end, it was all good. But, that is something a buyer may want to work on quickly once in contract, if a buyer buys a home that had an insurance claim to get a jump start on it.

Just Sold for $750,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $750,000!

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Just Sold in Fremont for $1,200,000

For this townhome I just sold in Fremont for $1,200,000, I was the agent for the buyers, who were referred to me by clients that bought a home with me in the past.

This is a crazy story. The buyers had been casually looking at open houses and we chatted on the phone as our initial introduction. I sent them some listings and they went to open houses that weekend.

There were 2 townhomes in the same community that came on the market at roughly the same time that they liked, but both homes back to a street that is fairly busy, both were the same overall floor plan.

Although the market was not as crazy as prior months, there were still homes getting multiple offers. Both of these townhomes had offer dates within a day of eachother. For the 1st home, they were still deciding and let that one go. But, after taking more time to consider the busy street, driving by in the evening, getting a sense of the street, they decided to go for the 2nd one.

There was 1 other offer they competed with and our offer was actually LOWER than the other offer, but the agent was also the seller, and we had a lot of communication and I kept in touch and she just felt more comfortable with our offer and presentation, so rather than countering us to match the other offer, they accepted our offer at the lower price! Also, the other place received 2 offers as well and went for WELL over the one we went for, so the buyers ended up getting this home for LESS than the other one and also LESS than the very recent comp that has just sold. And this was their very first offer on basically their very first weekend with me as their agent!

The craziest part is that I never even met these buyers before they went into contract! Due to the circumstances and timing, and the fact they went to the open house weekend, then was casually there to see the neighborhood in the evening and the seller happened to be home and let them in for a second look, and then offers were due shortly thereafter, we had only talked on the phone and communicated via text and email! So…I sold a home to clients I never even met in person!

Even after 27 years of being a realtor, I still to this day have 1st experiences and this was a first to sell a home to clients I didn’t even meet in person first.

The transaction itself was super smooth and easy with no hiccups.

Just Sold in Fremont for $1,200,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $1,200,000

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Just Sold in Fremont for $505,000…

For this condo I just sold in Fremont for $505,000, I was the agent for the sellers, who bought this condo with me as their buyer’s agent about 3.5 years ago! They were ready to make the move from a condo to a SFR.

The condo market during the pandemic has not been as predictable as the SFR market, condos are not as ‘hot’ as they used to be, even though the SFR market is crazy. Also, this condo is technically a 1 bedroom, but has a great room upstairs that can be used as another bedroom/office/den/etc. I really wanted to make sure with the marketing and advertisting that buyers didn’t miss that there was indeed a 2nd room and would consider this condo who may need that 2nd room, but see the 1 bedroom in the main specs and just pass it by.

So, I advertised it as 2 bedrooms, but disclosed right in the listing itself that it was actually 1 bedroom with a 2nd room, and let buyer’s decide if that 2nd room worked for them if they truly needed a 2nd bedroom, or that the 2nd room worked for their needs.

It was a hit and success to advertise as such because it brought out many buyers who would have not even given it a chance if they would have thought it was just 1 bedroom with no other usuable 2nd room to utilize as a bedroom/office/den/etc.

We received multiple offers and sold for OVER the listed price, which is very impressive for a ‘one’ bedroom condo in the pandemic market! The transaction itself was super smooth and seamless. The buyer waived ALL contingencies and had a huge down payment. I feel we received a higher price than if we would have advertised just the 1 bedroom and hoped for the best, that buyers would actually look a little deeper to click on the listing and notice the 2nd room on their own…I was pretty doubtful buyers would do that if they were looking for at least 2 rooms.

Sold in Fremont for $505,000!

Sold in Fremont for $505,000!

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Just Sold in Fremont for $2,480,000…

For this home I sold in Fremont for $2,480,000, I was the agent for the sellers. This is our 4th time working together and they also bought this home with me! We received about 10 offers on this home and 1 offer stood out from the rest and was truly the ‘golden ticket’. The transaction itself was super smooth. The buyer waived ALL contingencies (loan, inspections, and appraisal), and offered $285,000 over the listed price, so it was a smooth ride all the way to closing.

Just Sold in Fremont for $2,480,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $2,480,000!

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Just Sold in Fremont for $1,615,000…

For this home I just sold in Fremont for $1,615,000, I was the agent for the buyers, who were referred to me by clients that bought a home with me 20 YEARS AGO! Wow! So cool when I am able to maintain such longterm relationships with my clients. It’s so heartwarming! Love it!

The search for a home was a long journey in that the market is just so hot and competitive, and inventory is so low, so for all the homes they really liked, all had fierce competition.

We then found an opportunity for a new build and went into contract for that home, that was going well, and the buyers were excited, UNTIL under more investigation and as the home was being built, they noticed that the back yard was not as big as they expected it to be. So, we inquired with the agent and come to find out, part of the lot was BEHIND the concrete wall and on the hillside to the road! We were like….WHAT??? Part of the lot is not even usable? Seems pretty shady. So, they bailed on that home and we were back on the hunt.

When they found this home, the competitiion was again fierce, and they went all out with a very competitive offer and we got it! The transaction itself was super smooth and seamless. It was so exciting to finally find a great home in a great area and have such a smooth transaction to end their search.

Just Sold in Fremont for $1,615,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $1,615,000

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Just Sold in Fremont for $873,000

For this townhome I just sold in Fremont for $873,000, I was the agent for the buyers, who were referred to me by clients who also bought a townhome with me. At this price point, the market is crazy hot and competitive, so I was very hopeful to get this townhome because it was so perfect for them and it’s so hard to find a home in this price range because inventory is just so low.

This sale felt like a HUGE blessing! It’s a beautiful townhome, has a really nice yard, and a very nice area. This was the very FIRST offer my clients had ever written. They had only seen a handful of homes, and just really fell in love with this one. The pressure was really high because I knew that this was such a perfect match and I also knew how hard it was to find such a great place at this price point, that I really hoped to lock it in.

There were 15 offers! Yes, 15 offers on this home! And, WE got it! Praise God! Seriously! That is CRAZY competition and to actually beat out 14 other offers and have it be a buyer that has never written an offer before and be the very first offer and actually get it against that much competition, that’s just amazing!

The transaction itself was quite smooth. All went well. As much of the time, the banks are overloaded, so when it comes to the loan, it always seems to be the last minute rush to close, which was the case here as well. But, overall, it was a very good transaction.

Just Sold in Fremont for $873,000!

Just Sold in Fremont for $873,000!

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Just Sold in Fremont for $575,000…

For this condo I sold in Fremont for $575,000, I was the agent for the seller, who told me that his mom actually found me on the internet. Yay for mom! This is a great condo and meticulously maintained by the seller. There were 2 items that made things a bit more challenging to spark a lot of interest, 1 is that the owner occupancy is SUPER low in the community, there are actually more tenants living in the community than there are owners. So, not only there is a bit of a stigma to some buyers for that scenario, but also banks aren’t thrilled with it either. So, there just are not as many buyers or loan options when there are more tenants than owners.

The other item that some of the buyers had a hard time with and couldn’t get past is that there were absolutely no doors on any closet, so not the bedroom closets, not the hall closets, nada. The place looked great and very clean, and it actually made the place look bigger and gave more space, but the lack of closets was an issue for some, and although they can be added back, of course, some buyers just don’t have vision or want to do it, I guess. Not only all the doors were missing, but so were the tracks both on top and bottom. So, it would be a bit of a project, not huge, but a bit of a project to add in the tracks top and bottom and then also the doors again. It looked great without them, but yet, most buyers want closet doors so that their stuff is not showing.

For the transaction itself, let’s just say it would have been nice to have other options. The main negative anytime there is only 1 offer on a home, is that even if you aren’t thrilled with that buyer or agent, you are kind of stuck with what you get for the most part, if that 1 offer is basically acceptable overall in price and terms. And, between the buyers and their agent, it just did not go well, at any level, and by the end, I just wanted this to go away. The buyers were ridiculously picky, did not remove contingencies on time, and then would not send the necessary paperwork to extend contingencies and escrow and such. I could write pages just about the details of the transaction and all that did not go right, but it would be such a long story and frankly, I don’t want to re-live it.

It was horrible, I was constandly chasing the buyer’s agent to simply stay in contract and not let dates just pass by with nothing in writing! But we got through it. I felt confident the transaction would close. I knew the buyers were just scared and misguided, but things would work out in the end. Although, during the process, trying to explain to a client…don’t worry, it will happen…when you don’t have any hard evidence to prove it, except your gut feeling and experience, is not really ideal.

Just Sold in Fremont for $575,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $575,000

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