Just Sold in Fremont for $750,000…

For this townhome that I sold in Fremont for $750,000, I was the agent for the seller, who was referred to me by our family friend. This was an interesting time to be selling, to say the least. We initially started communication in November, when the market was slow, nothing happening, homes sitting on the market, interest rates shockingly high to buyers after such low rates, buyers that were looking wanting a bargain, etc.

The seller told me her target price and I was not convinced in the least that I could make that happen. So, I asked her if she could wait out the market, see how things go, and I would let her know when the market started to pick up and when I felt I could hit the price she wanted to get for her home. She was not in a hurry to sell.

And, that is what we did! I watched the market, waited to see what would happen after the first of the year. January picked up a bit, and then in February, the market was really starting to change and become more of a seller’s market. And, once I thought I could hit that price, we connected and got the home prepped for sale and on the market!

The timing was great! We received 4 offers after the open house weekend. We had a great offer with a buyer that WAIVED all contingencies and was super strong. And, we were able to acheive getting the price she wanted for the home! Yay!

The transaction itself with the buyer was great! It was super smooth. The main issue was the HOA. The HOA dragged their feet big time on multiple occasions and nickeled and dimed the seller. It was horrible. At the end of the transaction, I was mainly thankful to not have to deal with the HOA anymore.

One thing I do want to bring up about this sale that may help others in the same situation, is that this home had a fire in the past. And, one thing that did come up for the buyer was securing insurance. The buyer was able to get insurance and in the end, it was all good. But, that is something a buyer may want to work on quickly once in contract, if a buyer buys a home that had an insurance claim to get a jump start on it.

Just Sold for $750,000

Just Sold in Fremont for $750,000!

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